On Campus

Student Grievance Policy

The University defines a formal candidate/student complaint as any grievable issue between a candidate/student and a unit faculty or staff member that good faith efforts have failed to resolve, and has been submitted in writing by the candidate/student to that faculty or staff member’s supervisor for further consideration and resolution. Grievable issues are defined as being subjected to an arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable standard of academic performance (in the case of grades) or of a specific university policy.

Students expressing a grievance about the application of University policy, academic or non-academic, should attempt to seek
informal resolution of the matter with the faculty or staff member involved, following that with the immediate supervisor of the
faculty/staff member if necessary. If such informal procedures do not effect an equitable resolution of the matter, the student may submit a formal grievance form.

A formal grievance will be submitted to the Director of Student Services,, who will treat the complaint as a high priority. The
Director of Student Services will contact the staff/faculty members directly involved and attempt to reach a resolution. If a suitable remedy for the grievance cannot be reached, a grievance committee will be formed to arrive at a successful resolution.


Grievance Procedures

Within five weekdays of the date on which the concern occurred, the student is encouraged to meet with the staff member and discuss the concern. It is hoped that most concerns can be resolved within this step. If the staff member and the student are not able to resolve the concern OR if the student feels uncomfortable meeting with the staff member, the matter may be escalated to the next level, and the grievance form should be completed.

To File a Grievance

1. Obtain the student grievance form from the Office of Student Services. Fill it out completely, stating your case in full, and
return it to the Office of Student Services. The grievance form should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 60
calendar days after the situation took place.

2. If it is determined that the student has a valid grievance, a grievance committee will be convened. Its head will be a member of the University’s administrative staff. It will also consist of one faculty member and one student selected at the beginning of the academic year for this task. If this grievance concerns a grade, the faculty member must be an actual instructor at the University.

3. After reviewing the report, the grievance committee will conduct an investigation, as may be appropriate, and
make a judgment. The committee’s decision will be communicated in writing within 15 calendar days to all
involved parties.

4. If the decision made by the grievance committee does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the student may appeal the
decision to the Director of Student Services within 15 calendar days after receipt of the response.

5. Within 30 calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the Director of Student Services will meet with the student to discuss the
complaint and possible resolutions. Within 15 calendar days after the meeting, the Director of Student Services will respond
in writing with a final resolution of the complaint.

All complaints will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and every effort will be made to assure that no adverse
action will be taken against the student filing the complaint. Such action will be subject to investigation and possible disciplinary sanctions.

Complaint Log

Each University division is required to maintain an active student complaint log and must be prepared to present such a log for
review by appropriate university officials. Student Complaint Log Form provides a template for policy compliance and reporting.
The log contains the following elements: Date of complaint, name of complainant, description of the complaint, date of response, responder and description of the response.

A formal resolution of the complaint will involve a grievance committee, comprised of either the Academic Dean or the Director
of Student Services (for student complaints), two faculty members, and two students or alternates and includes both men and
women. The grievance committee will review the information to determine if harassment is evidenced, and will resolve the
matter with all involved parties. Formal resolution involving written reprimand, disciplinary action, or dismissal must be
approved by the University President. Any appeal of the grievance committee’s action will be made to the University President.

Any complaint a student may have that has not been satisfactorily answered by the University may be directed to the Colorado
Department of Higher Education at 1600 Broadway, Ste 2200 Denver, CO 80202. Students may file a complaint by calling
(303) 862-3001 or by fax (303) 996-1329, or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the CDHE’s website,