
Graduate Admission Requirements

1. Application Form. Prospect students interested in applying to Harvest University must submit the application form from

Harvest University is currently accepting applications from residents of the states of Colorado and Missouri, as well as from overseas.

2. Admission Essay. Applicants must submit a written admission essay. Admission essay Part I should be approximately 700-1000 words in length describing their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Admission essay Part II should be no less than 1000 words, describing their reason for applying to the University and their study plan. All applicants to Harvest University should evince a strong Christian character, the potential for effectiveness in Christian ministry, and the scholastic ability and emotional maturity to handle a higher education experience.

3. A bachelor’s degree from a CHEA or USDE-accredited U.S. institution. Note: students with a baccalaureate degree from a state-approved or non-accredited institution are encouraged to apply and ask for a transcript evaluation to determine whether conditional admission is possible.

Applicants are responsible for making sure this information is mailed directly from the issuing educational institution to Harvest University:

Harvest University
Attn: Admissions
300 Deuel St,
Fort Morgan, CO 80701

4. A minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent according to the institution’s grading norms, for all course work during the last two years of undergraduate study. Applicants with an undergraduate GPA of less than 3.0 may be admitted on probation under the following provisions:

The applicant must complete sixteen hours of graduate courses with a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Successful completion of these requirements will lift the student’s probationary status and allow him or her to continue in the degree program.

An undergraduate background supported by undergraduate achievement, which would indicate the ability to engage successfully in graduate theological studies.

5. Proficiency in Bible knowledge. A student seeking to enter a Harvest University graduate degree program must take a written comprehensive examination in the area of Bible knowledge. The Bible knowledge examination tests a student’s comprehension of the biblical story in its progressive unfolding of the history of redemption against the backdrop of creation and sin.

A passing score on this exam demonstrates a level of competency that does not require remedial course work in Bible and theology. Scores that rank below the 80th percentile level will determine that a student must enroll in 8 hours of remedial, non-credit Biblical studies courses (THEO200 and THEO210), which Harvest offers at the undergraduate level as required core curriculum courses for all students enrolled in its Bachelor of Arts degree programs.

6. Test Scores – Applicants must submit GRE/GMAT test scores, with exceptions.

*If an applicant submits multiple score reports, the highest score earned in each single sub score of the examination is used.

NOTE: GRE/GMAT test scores are not required to establish the admission eligibility of applicants with bachelor’s degree program grade point averages of 3.00 or above in a 4.0 scale. While applicants are not required to submit test scores to Harvest if they earn at least a 3.00 average, it is recommended that they submit standardized admission tests, which can be helpful for the purposes of advising and placement in appropriate courses.

7. Students who graduated from non-English speaking high school are required to submit TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language), or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) scores that meet one of the following standards:

1) A minimum TOEFL iBT total score of 80, or
2) A minimum TOEFL CBT score of 213, or
3) A minimum TOEFL PBT score of 550, or
4) A minimum IELTS score of 6.5, or

8. Recommendations. Applicants must submit at least three recommendation letters. One letter must be a reference from a church pastor who is knowledgeable about the applicant’s church involvement. The other two recommendations should come from someone who is able to comment on your professional and educational goals and potential. This could be a professor or supervisor. Recommendations may not be from a member of your immediate family or your spouse.

9. Statement of Faith – Applicants must sign Harvest University’s Statement of Faith.

10. Application Fee – Applicants must submit a $75.00 non-refundable application fee

Graduate Transfer Policy

A transfer student is defined as any student who has previously matriculated as a degree candidate at another institution and has earned or is earning college-level academic credit at the undergraduate/graduate level.


Students applying for transfer to Harvest University must follow the admission procedures. Official college transcripts from all schools attended must be sent directly from the previously attended college(s)to:


Harvest University
Attn: Admissions
300 Deuel St,
Fort Morgan, CO 80701


Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward any HU degree must be relevant to the degree program, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in this university’s own degree programs. In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and qualified faculty, HU personnel consult official institutional catalogs and employ recognized guides which aid in the evaluation for credit.


Such guides include those published by the American Council on Education, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), and the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs, or such services as are provided by AACRAO or the World Education Services (WES).


HU accepts transfer credit from other accredited educational institutions subject to:

– A minimum grade of “C”(or equivalent); courses graded “pass/fail” are not transferred unless it is stipulated on the transcript that a “pass” required a grade of “C” or above;


– Credit is applicable to the HU program of study in which the student intends to enroll.

Permanent Resident Alien Status

Applicants who are not citizens of the United States, but do have official permanent resident status, must submit supplemental application materials as follows: A photocopy of official, current Permanent Resident Alien (PRA) card. Harvest University admissions personnel must photocopy this card.

Official English translations of all documents. If issued in a language other than English, transcripts must be accompanied by a literal and officially certified English translation.

Harvest University reserves the right to notify students attempting to transfer credits received in secondary degrees or courses completed at universities outside the United States that they must have their non- U.S. academic transcripts evaluated by an academic transcript evaluating agency using a course-by- course report. Harvest prefers that transcripts be evaluated by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) to determine their level and authenticity. Once international applicants have submitted their official transcript(s), they will be notified whether an AACRAO evaluation will be required. (Credentials evaluation reports are the financial responsibility of the applicant.)

NOTE: Concerning current Permanent Resident Aliens

Health insurance for student and family required continuously while in the United States

No declaration of financial support is required